i just got the 'king to remember' event because ive taken too long to complete a bloodline through war, executions etc and I just wanna know whether i wanna continue with that, get one via the 15 war requirement or go with the pagan society. These bloodlines are based off of the character doing an action or activity. One of the greatest rulers India has ever seen. Crusader Kings II: AGoT Useful Commands Guide Posted on SeptemA list of some of the most useful commands, including some events, to use if you want an added boost in your AGoT games, or you want to construct the world to your liking before you begin. CK2 Title IDs CK2 Trait IDs CK2 Artifact IDs CK2 Culture IDs CK2 Decision IDs CK2 Nickname IDs ⦠Below is a searchable table of all 10559 events and event IDs from CK2. Should you fail to meet the requirements for any of the other bloodlines for some time, an event chain will trigger which will allow you to forge a bloodline without meeting any of the ambition requirements.

Like the Warrior Lodge Bloodlines, the ancestor's bloodline is selected from amidst those eligible when the canonization (or the pagan ancestor worship event equivalent) occurs (Event HF.40020 / HF.40101 repectively).